
Design review for and Adaptive Utensil Aid for Feeding

Power Ring, designed by 2robotguy, from the website for 3D models. Hi everyone! Let me get this out of the way first. I receive nothing for posting these reviews, and the opinions are my own. The purpose of this is to share my experiences as an OT utilizing a 3D printer, and I hope these posts provide learning for all involved. The Power Ring is a design I selected to print with a specific client in mind. This client was recovering from a spinal injury, and was unable to close her fingers around anything. She had enough movement to bring items up to her mouth, but was dependent upon others to feed her. This is very distressing to someone who was so independent, and physically fit prior to her injury. As an Occupational Therapist, I work with people to help them be as independent as possible, including using adaptive equipment. So, here is the problem: inability to hold items in the hand due to weak or absent gr...
Occupational Therapists have been "makers" as part of our practice from the beginning of our association's formation 100 years ago. 3D printing combined with our creative skills will assist us with our focus on client centered care. We have to start somewhere.